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DECOIN, Solution for Cryptocurrency Trading

By  Unknown     2:04 AM    Labels:,,,,,,, 
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Cryptocurrency has become one of the amazing innovations in last decade. In the beginning, this currency was designed to become a tool for transaction. Now, with the technology development that moves at fast pace, everyone can create their own cryptocurrency. This is also the reason, why we can find many different cryptocurrencies today, from Bitcoin, Ethereum to Litecoin. Unfortunately, each of those cryptocurrency can only be used in specific environment that accept them. Therefore, it’s difficult, if we want to use the service from other environment, while we only have one type of cryptocurrency from different environment. And, here is where the DECOIN come as the helper.
What is DECOIN?
DECOIN is a program that provide a tool, service or media where you can exchange and trade cryptocurrency. And this program isn’t only helping you to buy and trade for different type of cryptocurrency. But, you also can make profit from it. In simpler way, DECOIN tries to create a real trading platform that is similar to the currency trading that you can find today. However, with the Blockchain technology, DECOIN will have faster and safer system. This will help the trader to easily decide their trading movement and make profit from it.
The Vision and Mission of DECOIN Program
DECOIN team has vision to help the DECOIN user a great way to trade and access the profit that they get from trading cryptocurrency. However, it’s not only limited to the profit they get from trading. They also has vision to provide much simpler access to the profit that user get from award from their activity in DECOIN environment.
The mission of DECOIN is to create the real platform where cryptocurrency can be traded. And, with the help from Blockchain technology, everyone will be much easier to access and use it. Unlike the current system that we can see today, where only limited people that can use and know how to make profit from that, DECOIN was made for everyone.
The Advantages of DECOIN
DECOIN offer some of advantages that can’t be found in other trading platform, such as:
  •   Better security feature, because offline place to store 97% of customer’s fund and 3% of it is protected by best technology.
  •   D-TEP technology will give user faster process in trading.
  •   24x7 support is also available to help user anytime they need it.
  •   User’s identity gets best protection, where user can even trade anonymously.
  •   The distribution platform is much better. The experienced staff is the main reason why this function can work perfectly.
  •   The Proof of Stake consensus algorithm make the user get the profit share that they want. There is 6.2% annual profit distribution that user can get.
  •   DECOIN also provide credit card that their user can use to make transaction using the fund from trading the cryptocurrency.
With all those advantages, we can say that the DECOIN user will have better experience in using this program.
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The Token
The token of this program is called DECOIN, just like its name. Now, they are still holding the pre-sale program, where anyone can buy the coin that can be used later for transaction. The fund that they get from the pre-sale and ICO will be used for developing the D-TEP platform, marketing, researching and many others need. D-TEP platform itself is the Blockchain-based platform that can be accessed from anyplace in the world. The program will be activated in June, and at that time, the token holder can withdraw the token that they get from the event into their e-wallet and start the trading.
Basically, this program is really promising. With the development of cryptocurrency today, this program will become the solution that everyone need in the future. It makes everything easier.
For more information, feel free to visit :

Author : Pricilia
Eth: 0x018C447C559C41fbf22d01c13D8d0e85616378ff

About Unknown

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